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#TOP100CMA: The Who's Who Of Customer Advocacy

It’s always exciting to be recognized.

In essence, this is a large part of what we do as advocacy professionals. Nothing makes us happier than shining the spotlight on the good work our clients’ customers are doing. When we consult with our clients to help design, build and maintain their advocacy and reference programs this is also, in a nutshell, what it’s all about: Establishing who’s the happiest among their customers and determining who’s willing to share their story and why.

As an advocacy consultancy, it’s our day-to-day role to move that spotlight around. However, it’s not often that those in our industry get a spotlight shined on them.

Enter: the #Top100CMA.

Recently, our partners at Crowdvocate initiated a nomination process and subsequent vote to establish within the customer advocacy community a list of the who’s who, or the more influential among us in the advocacy community. This vote took place over a two-week period (there were over 6000 ballots cast!) and in the end, the top 100 were chosen.

It’s with great pleasure that we at Referential are able to report: we have two of our own voted in to share the spotlight!

Please join us in extending our heartfelt congratulations to Helen and Jen, both. To those internally at Referential, we’re not the least bit surprised by this outcome. Both Helen and Jen display constant leadership, and our customers are quick to seek out their expertise on a daily basis.

They’ve demonstrated a track record of success, and are deserving to share this stage alongside the other who’s who on this list.

“It’s a huge honor,” reflected Helen, “and as I’m retiring at the end of this year, I’m thrilled that Jen also has been recognized for her thought-leadership and guidance. As she moves into the management of Referential, it will be comforting to our clients to know that they are in equally capable hands.”  

 Cheers to Helen and Jennifer!